General Director of Immigration and Integration Policies - MLPS
Tatiana Esposito has been dealing with labor and inclusion policies for the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies since 2001. Among the issues you worked on are those relating to the labor market, employment incentives and cooperation between EU member states in the fight against social exclusion, working conditions, equal opportunities. From 2006 to 2008 you held the role of National Expert seconded to the European Commission Directorate General for employment, social affairs and equal opportunities. From 2008 to 2016 he worked in Brussels for the Permanent Representation of Italy to the European Union, as an expert on employment, social policies and equal opportunities and a permanent member of the Social Issues Group of the Council of the European Union. of which she was President on the occasion of the Italian Presidency in the second half of 2014. Since September 2016 she has been Director General of Immigration and Integration Policies at the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies. Among her publications, Contrastare l'esclusione. L'esperienza del reddito minimo di inserimento (ISFOL, 2002), Rete di servizi per lavoratori con qualifica di quadro: un progetto sperimentale (WelfareInforma, 2004), Mobilità geografica del lavoro e delle imprese (INPS, 2004), Parità di trattamento tra uomini e donne che esercitano un’attività autonoma: la direttiva 2010/41/UE (Giuffrè, 2011), L’integrazione tra lavoro e partecipazione (Nemapress, in stampa).