Marzia Minozzi is responsible for the regulatory and regulatory area activities of Assotelecomunicazioni-Asstel. She began her work experience, after graduating with honors in Economics at the La Sapienza University of Rome, at the San Salvador Study Center, in Venice, at the time the Stet intergroup study center. Subsequently you work in the regulatory field in Telecom Italia. You have expanded your field of activity to public utility services and the energy sector by working in Confindustria. She then left the private sector to become a member of one of the technical structures of the Presidency of the Council operating at the CIPE (UTFP, with activities dedicated to NARS), where she was involved in the regulation of sectors of public utility. In 2010 she returned to the telecommunications sector, taking on the position of head of institutional and regulatory affairs in Asstel, where she still operates.